Evie and Boris

After one month, Evie and Boris are doing fantastically! The mange they were suffering with has all but gone, their hair is growing back nicely and they’ll be right as rain in no time! Thank you to our supporters for all of their care and love, it means the world to us

The Busky Campaign

The Busky Campaign, enabled and supported by FNB, from a couple of year’s back included the purchase of Busky packs which contained parts of a teddy bear and husky fur to stuff the teddy bears with. FNB staff members bought these packs for R100. They then gathered at Bank City and the Sandton Convention Centre…

In honor of Dear Oliver

In honor of dear Oliver, GNLD Golden Products and Rooibos Health & Skincare have decided to celebrate his life by donating some of their profits to Husky Rescue SA. To make this possible, please follow the instructions outlined in the attached picture. Thank you so, so much to Jack Delaforce for making this a reality.…