Salsa and Tango are now the longest residents at Husky Rescue, having been with us for 4 years! We fear we may be running out of time and we really want them to experience being in a loving home 💔.  These two beautiful angels chose fur instead of wings, and will light up your heart with their friendly and excitable nature. They brim with excitement when visitors come around, especially when you bring treats 

Tango’s floppy ears and innocent face might just be the best treatment for an off day or a bad mood, and their sibling like bond proves that these beautiful angels have a deeper understanding of love than we will ever comprehend.  Salsa is a gentle soul who enjoys her treats, your affection even more so. Sadly she was teased and neglected in her younger years and now isn’t fond of children or other dogs but her bond with Tango is beautiful to watch, a life long companion for both them and whoever opens their heart to these two.

Their previous owners left them at a boarding kennel and never returned, the abandonment is still evident in Tango’s behaviour, as he rarely leaves Salsa alone, always at her side. These innocent hearts deserve the all the love and affection in the world, and will gladly return it in kind.  Salsa is a chow cross, and absolutely stunning to behold, while her best friend Tango is a basset/beagle cross, and has the ears to prove it. They are about 8 years old and if you can find the love in your heart to adopt these amazing dogs, you will surely never regret it.

To adopt TANGO & SALSA email us on

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