Very outgoing, friendly and awesome with kids and large breed dogs  …

SINEAD is a newcomer at Husky Haven and this message received from her owner is what we deal with on a daily basis:

‘Good morning
I got reffered to you by a friend ,he said that you rescue huskys ?
I want to know what time i can bring my huskey ? I fininh work at 4 and i stay close , 
The storie is we moved to a plot recently and my sister got a huskey for christmas lastyear and she didnt really train her and spent that much time with her and she got agressive towards the jackrussles at the house so my parents said either they put her down or i should keep her on the plot so i took her , but my schedule doesn’t allowe me to train her and give her the exercise she needs ,she is a lovely dog and so loveable ,i cant keep her anymore she keeps on escaping and going to the field and she has brought so many ticks home to the other dogs and she ate two of our geese so we really can’tkeep her and she would be a great dog for someone who has the time for her.’

People just do not research the breed and we get the call when they act out doing what comes naturally to a husky.

SINEAD is only 12 months old and actually very outgoing and friendly. Awesome with kids and large breed dogs, male and female.

Female, Siberian Husky, with a Grey & White fur coat and Bi-eyes

Husky Rescue

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